Notification Integration Guide#

The Notification Service allows the user to manage some notification settings.

It also exposes endpoints for mobile devices to register/unregister for push notifications.

The user notification settings endpoints are intended for users to use directly, mostly from the user preference page.


The Swagger API documentation is always up-to-date and lets you try out any query with your user session or an API-key.

Notification settings#

Currently, the notification settings endpoints provide notification settings for the mobile app.

Over time, more notification settings endpoints will be added here.

Fetch case notification settings#

The /notifications/v1/settings/case endpoint returns case notification settings for the current user.
Currently, it only contains app notification settings.

curl -X GET -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

This returns case notification settings, currently only for the mobile app.

  "data": {
    "appSettings": {
      "verbose": true,
      "priority": [


| You can check the Swagger API documentation for a more detailed description of the endpoint and the values that can be used in the Json object.

Update case notification settings for mobile#

The /notifications/v1/settings/case/app endpoint allows the current user to change notification settings for the mobile app:

curl -X PUT -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" -d'
  "verbose": true,
  "priority": [

The result from this endpoint is the same structure as when fetching settings using the endpoint above.


The Swagger API documentation is always up-to-date and lets you try out any query with your user session or an API-key.

Notification Devices#

A notification device is an iPhone or Android mobile with the Argus Mobile app installed.
The endpoints under /notifications/v1/device provide a way for a device to bind/unbind a user to a device for push notifications.

These endpoints are mostly intended for use by the mobile app, but can also be used to list/remove devices from the current user.

List registered devices#

List registered devices on the current user:

curl -X GET -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

This returns a list of devices:

  "data": [
      "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "type": "iphone",
      "name": "My iPhone",
      "flags": []


The Swagger API documentation is always up-to-date and lets you try out any query with your user session or an API-key.

Register new device#

To bind a new device to the current user, the device must first connect to Google Firebase and retrieve a device token.
Then the device must register the token to the current user:

curl -X POST -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "type": "iphone",
  "name": "My iPhone",
  "token": "68b21e23726b63ed91621968760869e3"

The result from this endpoint is the same datamodel as returned when listing registered devices above.


The Swagger API documentation is always up-to-date and lets you try out any query with your user session or an API-key.

Remove a device#

Removing/unbinding a device means that Argus will no longer send push notifications to this device.

To unbind a device from the current user, use the ID returned by the list endpoint:

curl -X DELETE -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" -H "Content-Type: application/json"


The Swagger API documentation is always up-to-date and lets you try out any query with your user session or an API-key.

Notification test endpoints#

The endpoints under /notifications/v1/notification are for debugging/internal use only, and are not usable by users.