Event Service v2#


The V2 API is under development, and requires user feedback before it is ready for production.

About the Event Service#

The Argus events API provides endpoints for searching and fetching events, as well as event statistics

The Event API uses role based access control, so any search will be limited to the customers for which the user has permission to view events. In addition, fetching events by case provides access to the events associated with that case, provided that the user has read access to the case.


Please read the General integration guide to learn the general concepts and common data structures used throughout the Argus API.

In the v2 api we have unified the different event types from v1. We now only return a single Event type, and have the type as a field on the response model. We also allow filtering in search and stats apis if you are only interested in one of the types.

In v2 we also reduce the size of the default event returned. We no longer return the properties, or comments attached to a case by default. Instead, we have added options to the different endpoints to allow the user more control over which fields they need returned.

Fetch a single event#

To fetch an event, append the event ID to the base URL

curl -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" https://api.mnemonic.no/events/v2/event/1569185283911/2171/6c36deb6-d5e3-461c-bab4-fca397006cb9

This returns the default event model

If you want to get the properties, comments, or sub events these have to be requested specifically. Properties can be requested either by key, or you can request to get all the properties returned. Details on how to request these fields can be found on the swagger page

Fetch the payload of an event#

To fetch the payload of an event, use the same url as for fetching an event, but add /payload at the end

curl -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" https://api.mnemonic.no/events/v2/event/1569185283911/2171/6c36deb6-d5e3-461c-bab4-fca397006cb9/payload

This returns the payload model

Fetch the PCAP of an event#

To fetch the PCAP of an event, use the same url as for fetching an event, but add /pcap at the end

curl -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" https://api.mnemonic.no/events/v2/event/1569185283911/2171/6c36deb6-d5e3-461c-bab4-fca397006cb9/pcap

This returns the actual PCAP data of the event

Fetch the lineage of an event#

It can be difficult to know when, how, and where an event has been updated. To make it easier to reason about we have created a lineage endpoint which will return changes made to an event. The types of changes that are stored are:

  • created - When the event was created

  • updated - When the event was updated

  • assessed - When the event was assessed

  • indexedElasticSearch - When the event was indexed into elasticsearch

  • indexedOpenSearch - When the event was indexed into OpenSearch

To fetch the lineage of an event, use the same url as for fetching an event, but add /lineage at the end

curl -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" https://api.mnemonic.no/events/v2/event/1569185283911/2171/6c36deb6-d5e3-461c-bab4-fca397006cb9/lineage

This returns the lineage events stored for the event

Fetch events associated with a case#

This returns result-set of the default event model
The endpoint internally only uses streaming. Uses the same count logic as in V1.

To fetch the events associated with a case, use the following endpoint:

# list the first 25 events associated with case 12342345, include selected properties: prop1, prop2
curl -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" https://api.mnemonic.no/events/v2/case/12342345?includeProperties=prop1&includeProperties=prop2

Supported request parameters:

  • includeAllProperties: boolean, whether to include/exclude all properties, overrides the selection of ‘includeProperties’ if set to true, default is false

  • includeComments: boolean, whether to include/exclude comments, default is false

  • includeSubEvents: boolean, whether to include/exclude sub-events, default is false

  • includeProperties: set of property keys, which properties to include, has any effect if includeAllProperties=false, default empty

  • offset: integer, the amount of events to skip from the beginning, default 0

  • limit: integer, the max amount of events to return, 0 means no limit, default 25

  • sortBy: list of field names, fields to sort events by, without a sign is ascending, with ‘-’ sign is descending, currently supports only timestamp-field, default ‘-timestamp’

Search for events#

Searching for events can be done using the simple search GET endpoint or the advanced search POST endpoint. Both searches return the default event model, with the option to return comments, sub events, and a selection of properties.

Please read the General integration guide to learn about general concepts for search endpoints.

Event Statistics#

The statistics endpoint allows a user to retrieve quantitative data about a set of events that match certain search criteria.

The statistics request supports the same search criteria as the search endpoint; the statistics criteria then apply to the results of the search.

The statistics request itself is composed of 2 key components:

  • field aggregation - the field(s) by which we want to group the resulting events and structure the response

  • range metrics - return counts for events matching the defined timestamp filters

For example, we could ask for statistics for events created the last week, grouped by customer and the type of attack the event was categorized as.

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://api.mnemonic.no/events/v2/event/statistics' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Argus-API-Key: my/api/key' \
  -d '
  "type": [
  "startTimestamp": "-7d",
  "timeFieldStrategy": [
  "severity": [
  "groupBy": [
      "field": "customer"
      "field": "attackCategory"

The response’s structure is a unidirectional tree where the branches represent unique field aggregation values i.e. in this example groups and definitions.

Each branch consists of the count of assets within the branch and metadata containing

  • identifier - the unique ID of the object

  • shortName - the unique human/machine readable identifier

  • name - the human readable non-unique identifier

  • type - the type of the metadata. This can be used to looking up the actual objects grouped by.

Each branch then potentially contains buckets, which represent the next layer in the tree.

The leaves contain the actual metrics response e.g.:

  "group": {
    "identifier": "123",
    "shortName": "customer",
    "displayName": "Customer",
    "type": "customer"
  "count": 3562,
  "rawEventCount": 18246,
  "buckets": [
      "group": {
        "identifier": "373",
        "shortName": "68430823-db2a-11eb-91d4-005056beea2d",
        "displayName": "Attempted application exploit",
        "type": "attackCategory"
      "count": 988,
      "rawEventCount": 3518,
      "buckets": [],
      "timeline": []
  "timeline": []

See the Swagger API documentation for details on available query parameters and fields to group by.

Event assessment#

This endpoint performs event (re-)assessment and returns the default event model with the updated event data.
Details about the request payload are specified in the event assessment model.

curl -X 'PUT' \
 'https://api.mnemonic.no/events/v2/event/1569185283911/2171/6c36deb6-d5e3-461c-bab4-fca397006cb9/assess' \
 -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" \
 -d '{
   "enableFlag": [
   "disableFlag": [
   "newSeverity": "low",
   "comment": "your comment",
   "handledByAnalyst": false,
   "associateCase": [
   "disassociateCase": [
   "trigger": [

Event assessment by compatibility path#

This endpoint performs event (re-)assessment by compatibility path, which includes the event type, that is internally ignored.
It returns the default event model with the updated event data.
Details about the request payload are specified in the event assessment model.

curl -X 'PUT' \
 'https://api.mnemonic.no/events/v2/event/AGGR/1569185283911/2171/6c36deb6-d5e3-461c-bab4-fca397006cb9/assess' \
 -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{
   "enableFlag": [
   "disableFlag": [
   "newSeverity": "low",
   "comment": "your comment",
   "handledByAnalyst": false,
   "associateCase": [
   "disassociateCase": [
   "trigger": [

Bulk assessment of events#

This endpoint performs assessment of multiple events with one request.
The events are included into the assessment by the search criteria that is part of the payload. The second part of the payload consists of the event assessment parameters.
Details about the request payload are specified in the event bulk assessment model.
The endpoint returns the event bulk assessment response which contains the results of the assessment.

curl -X 'PUT' \
 'https://api.mnemonic.no/events/v2/event/assess' \
 -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{
   "assessment": {
     "enableFlag": [
     "disableFlag": [
     "newSeverity": "low",
     "comment": "your comment",
     "handledByAnalyst": false,
     "associateCase": [
     "disassociateCase": [
     "trigger": [
   "search": {
     "eventIdentifier": [

Event Model#

This is the model that will be returned from the fetch and search endpoints and describes a single event


The full id of the event. This follows the same pattern as the v1 api for consistency.

e.g.: AGGR/1707750245205/204/6af7dee0-08b6-437e-a932-57a5953b26ed


The UUID of the event. This is enough to uniquely identify the event


The type of the event. Will be one of aggregated or raw


The origin IP of the event. See the endpoint model for more details


The destination IP of the event. See the endpoint model for more details


Information about the customer the event originated from


Where the sensor detecting the event was located.

See location in the sensor integration guide for more details


The signature is the id of an alarm mapping, telling us why the event was triggered


The alarm that was triggered by the event. This is meant to quickly help the analyst assess incoming recognized attacks


The attack category of the alarm


The domain associated to the request, represented as by a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) string


The related URI


The number of underlying events. This value will be 0 for raw events


The severity of the event. Will be one of low, medium, high, or critical


The timestamps associated with the event. See the timestamp model for more details


Information about the sensor that reported the event


The protocol the event used. Will be one of tcp, udp, icmp, ip, esp, or unknown


The cases that the event is associated to. See the case model for more details


The IDs of the sub events of the event. Will by default not be returned


The properties of the event. See the properties model for more details.

Will by default not be returned


The comments that have been left on the event. Will by default not be returned


The flags that have been put on the event. See the event flags for more details

Payload Model#


The id of the event


The type of the payload. Will be one of ethernet, binary, string or pcap


The actual payload of the event. Will be base64 encoded if the payload type not string

Endpoint Model#


The IP address of the endpoint


The host name of the endpoint


The UDP or TCP port of the endpoint


The user associated with this endpoint


Information about the geographical location of the endpoint


The flags on the endpoint

Valid values are isCustomerNet, isPartialCustomerNet, customAggregation, and isManagedBySoc

Timestamp Model#


Creation timestamp of the event. This is either the value provided to the collector api, or set to when the service received it if submitted without a timestamp


Last update timestamp of the event


Timestamp of the first observed event (only for aggregated events)


Timestamp of the last observed event (only for aggregated events)


Timestamp when the engine persisted the event


Timestamp when the event was first assessed


Timestamp of the case association with the event

Case Model#


ID of the associated case


Subject of the case


The ID of the category of the case


The name of the category of the case


The ID of the service of the case


The name of the service of the case


Status of the case. This is one of closed, pendingClose, pendingCustomer, pendingSoc, pendingVendor, workingCustomer, or workingSoc


Priority of the case. This is one of low, medium, high, or critical

Properties Model#


The type of the property. This is one of boolean, long, string, or double


Key of the property


The values associated with the key as a list of strings. If you require it in the properties type you have to parse it to the correct type yourself

Event Assessment Model#


Set of event flags that should be enabled. Overlap with disableFlag will be an invalid request. See event flags for more details about the meaning of the flags. Available flags are:

  • falsePositive

  • notAThreat

  • tuningCandidate

  • followup

  • identifiedThreat

  • acknowledged

  • partiallyAcknowledged


Set of event flags that should be disabled. Overlap with enableFlag will be an invalid request. Available flags are the same as with enableFlag.
See event flags for more details about the meaning of the flags.


New severity of the event (if not set, keep current severity). Available severities are:

  • low

  • medium

  • high

  • critical


Assessment comment to the event (not required).


If true, then the event will be flagged as manually assessed by an analyst. Default is false.


Set of case IDs that are going to be associated with this event (not required). Specified cases must be readable to the current user, and they must belong to same customer as this event.


Set of case IDs that are going to be disassociated from this event, should not overlap with case IDs that are going to be associated with this event (not required).


Set of checks which will be run after assessment (not required). Available triggers are:

  • slaViolation

  • internalSlaViolation

Event Bulk Assessment Model#


Event assessment model containing the details that are going to be used for this bulk request.


Event bulk assessment search criteria containing the search criteria for specifying events to be included into bulk assessment.

Event Bulk Assessment Search Criteria#

This search criteria extends the event assessment search criteria.
Limit and offset are meant to be used when the volume of a single bulk assessment gets too high. Then it can be split up into sub-batches/pages. SortBy is included to guarantee predictable results for paging. If the volume is too high even for paging with limit and offset, then indexStartTimestamp and indexEndTimestamp can be used for alternative paging.


Only search in indexes after or on this day. Defaults to current day. Timestamps can be milliseconds since epoch, ISO8601 timestamp, or a string with a relative timestamp. See the general integration guide for more details.


Only search in indexes before or on this day. Defaults to current day. Timestamps can be milliseconds since epoch, ISO8601 timestamp, or a string with a relative timestamp. See the general integration guide for more details.


Limit the results to the specified amount. If set to 0 we will include all results matching the query. Default is 25.


Skip specified amount of results. DefaultValue is 0.


Which field(s) to sort the results by (default is ascending by createdTimestamp). Available sort by fields are:

  • customerID

  • eventID

  • createdTimestamp

  • lastUpdatedTimestamp

  • firstEventTimestamp

  • lastEventTimestamp

Event Bulk Assessment Response#


Set of IDs of the events that were successfully assessed.


Set with failure info of the events that failed assessment. The failure info contains:

  • eventID

  • reason

Event Flags#


This flag is set for an event where the connection is confirmed to be established.

If this is not confirmed (uncertain), the flag is not set


This flag is set for an event where the connection is confirmed to have been blocked, e.g. an IPS reports an event which has been blocked


This flag is set if this event is only partially blocked. This is used for aggregated events consisting of detailed events only partially flagged with “blocked”


This flag is set for all snapshot events. Snapshot events are copies of real events, and should never be part of raw data collection/event query. Snapshots are used to represent snapshots of other events at certain points in time, and should never be changed. However, snapshots may point to a list of detailed events, which may not be snapshots


This flag is set for a (non-snapshot) aggregated event which is no longer under construction. Aggregated events are aggregated over time, and when no more events will be aggregated into this event, the finalized-flag is set. When this flag is set, further aggregation is not possible


This flag is set if this event has been assessed as a false positive. For aggregated events, this flag may be set on only some of the detailed events.

This should therefore be seen as an opinion, not a certainty


This flag is set if this event has been assessed as not being a threat. For aggregated events, this flag may be set on only some of the detailed events.

This should therefore be seen as an opinion, not a certainty


This flag is set if this event has been assessed as a tuning candidate. For aggregated events, this flag may be set on only some of the detailed events.

This should therefore be seen as an opinion, not a certainty


This flag is set if this event has been notified to the customer as part of a customer case. For aggregated events, this flag should only be set if all detailed events are flagged with this flag


This flag is set if this event requires further followup. For aggregated events, this flag may be set on only some of the detailed events. This should therefore be seen as an indication


This flag is set if this event has been partially notified to the customer as part of a customer case. This is used when aggregating multiple events, where some of the detailed events are flagged with “notified”


This flag marks this event as an identified threat. For aggregated events, this flag may be set on only some of the detailed events. This should therefore be seen as an indication that some part of the aggregated event is an identified threat

This is used for components tagging this event as identified threat based on external information, e.g. an event agent may tag this event as identified threat based on the associated alarm being tagged as very certain/high quality

This should be configured to be the case for events which may be notified to the customer automatically/without further checks


This flag marks this event as a threat candidate. For aggregated events, this flag may be set on only some of the detailed events. This should therefore be seen as an indication that some part of the aggregated event is a threat candidate

This is used for components tagging this event as a threat candidate based on external information, e.g. an event agent may tag this event as a threat candidate based on the associated alarm being tagged as high quality

This should be configured to be the case for events which have a very high probability of being real threats, but need some further checking before notifying to customer


This flag should be set for all events that have been assessed. This acknowledges the event as being assessed, and not needing further assessment. For an aggregated event, this flag indicates that all detailed events are acknowledged. Use “partiallyAcknowledged” to indicate that some of the detailed events are/may not be acknowledged


This flag should be set for events which are partially acknowledged. This is used for aggregated events where some of the detailed events have been acknowledged, and more specifically for events which have been updated after being acknowledged (non-finalized aggregated events)

This should serve as an indication that the event has previously been acknowledged (and probably needs no further work), but that the event has been updated, so there may be additional information contained in this event


Indicates that this event has been severity adjusted at some point, e.g. an EventFilter has modified the severity of this event. For aggregated events, this may be an indication that some of the detailed events have this flag set, or that the aggregated event itself has been adjusted (for example due to a high aggregation count)

Property PROPERTY_L_SEVERITY_ADJUSTED_BY_FILTER or PROPERTY_L_SEVERITY_ADJUSTED_BY_USER should be set with a list of userIDs/filterIDs that have adjusted the event


Indicates that there is at least one comment on the event


Indicates this event has been filtered. E.g. by a EventMatchFilter


Indicates this event has been checked by an external event checker


Indicates this event does not have references to all the detailed events which have been aggregated into it


Indicates this aggregated event nevertheless is a base event, i.e. will be aggregated further


Indicates that this event is stored remotely, i.e. slow/non-local lookup


Indicates that this event has details


Indicates that this event has a saved associated payload


Indicates that this event has a saved associated payload which is PCAP-compatible


Indicates that a filter has associated this event to a case


Indicates that a filter has increased the severity of this event. When set, “severityAdjusted” will also be set.

Property PROPERTY_L_SEVERITY_INCREASED_BY_FILTER should be set with a list of filterID’s that have adjusted the event


Indicates that a filter has decreased the severity of this event. When set, severityAdjusted will also be set.

Property PROPERTY_L_SEVERITY_REDUCED_BY_FILTER should be set with a list of filterID’s that have adjusted the event


Indicates that this event was created by an analysis filter


extend ttl flag is needed by EventCassandraManager


Indicates that this event is coming from sensor in initial tuning state


Indicates that this event is marked for post analysis


Indicates that some of the connection this event represents was SSL-terminated


Indicates that the connections this event represents was SSL-terminated


Indicates that this event should be auto-reported


Raw source does not provide time for the event, instead it’s the agent set the timestamp


A future timestamp was assigned on the event, and it has been truncated to the current timestamp when encountered e.g. by agent, collector API


Raw event marked with this flag will not be processed by analysis filters


Indicate this event has been escalated by reputation


Event is related to a sample


Mark on event to make sure send to central to be stored by distributed pipeline


Mark on event to make sure send to aggregation in distributed pipeline


Mark on event to indicate that it has been assessed by an analyst


Mark on event to indicate that it has been associated with an SLA violation and case


Mark on event to indicate that the event’s payload had been truncated due to payload size limit


Mark on event to indicate that the event’s payload is of a string type


Mark on event to indicate that the event has been reassessed.

An event is considered reassessed if it has been assessed while having the HANDLED_BY_ANALYST flag set