OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow#
The client credentials flow lets applications exchange a set of client credentials for an OAuth2 access token.
The client may use client credentials such as API-keys or JWT signature, or a session Bearer token, depending on how it is previously authenticated.
The script should first fetch an access token from the Argus OAuth Token endpoint
curl -XPOST -H"Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" https://api.mnemonic.no/authentication/v1/oauth/token -d client_id=04d45a6b-05a1-4bed-8181-5c5d46d4f64e -d grant_type=client_credentials
Argus will respond with an access token:
The script should then use this token as an Authorization:Bearer header towards the client application:
curl -XPOST -H"Authorization:Bearer myUserName/ckEgvr23mT8PfPMPddVY7wYuuE6t6YmKLKr7tu3pV8ajvbGHzuJ9crvwoPFUBj9o" https://my.application/dosomething
The client application may invoke the Argus token endpoint to verify the token, or invoke any permitted Argus endpoint using this bearer token.
curl -XGET -H"X-Forwarded-For:" -H"Authorization:Bearer myUserName/ckEgvr23mT8PfPMPddVY7wYuuE6t6YmKLKr7tu3pV8ajvbGHzuJ9crvwoPFUBj9o" https://api.mnemonic.no/authentication/v1/oauth/userinfo
The client MUST forward the user agents origin IP using the X-Forwarded-For
when invoking an Argus API, as Argus will verify that this IP corresponds
with the IP used to create the access token.