
Create a Sensor#

To create a Sensor POST an AddSensorRequest to the base URL:

curl -X POST "" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
-d '{ 
    "sslTerminating": true, 
    "location": "1", 
    "customer": "1", 
    "application": "1", 
    "clusterSensorID": 0, 
    "expectedUpdateTime": 0, 
    "scheduledDowntimeFromTime": 0, 
    "scheduledDowntimeUntilTime": 0, 
    "information": "Optional information", 
    "hostname": "", 
    "additionalData": "Optional additional data", 
    "active": false, 
    "monitored": false, 
    "monitoredOnlyDaytime": false, 
    "initialTuning": false, 
    "overrideDefaultUpdateTime": false, 
    "sharedCustomerData": false, 
    "ipAddress": ""

For such a request to be successful:

  • The user must have the addSensor permission for the Customer they’re creating to Sensor for, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Customer for whom we want to create the Sensor must exist

  • The Location where the Sensor will be created must exist

  • The Application (Sensor Type) for the Sensor must be valid

  • At least one of Hostname or IP must be present in the payload

  • If clustering, the targeted Sensor must exist, belong to the same Customer, and be the same Sensor Type


IP or Hostname

One of or both IP or Hostname must be provided when creating a Sensor. IPs and hostnames must be unique per Customer.

Get a Sensor#

To GET a Sensor, append the sensorID to the base URL:

curl -X GET "{sensorID}" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the viewSensors permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor must exist

Update a Sensor#

To update a Sensor, PUT an UpdateSensorRequest via PUT to the base URL with the sensor’s ID appended:

    curl -X PUT "{sensorID}" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
    -d '{ 
        "sslTerminating": true, 
        "location": "1", 
        "application": "1", 
        "clusterSensorID": 0, 
        "expectedUpdateTime": 0, 
        "information": "Optional updated information", 
        "hostname": "", 
        "additionalData": "Optional updated additional data", 
        "initialTuning": false, 
        "overrideDefaultUpdateTime": false, 
        "sharedCustomerData": false, 
        "ipAddress": ""

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the updateSensor permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor must exist

  • When updating the Sensor’s Location

    • The Location must exist

    • The Location must belong to the same Customer as the Sensor

  • When updating the IP or hostname

    • The proposed IP or hostname must be unique to the Customer

    • One of either values must always be present and not empty e.g. if erasing a Sensor’s hostname then the IP must either already be set or will be set by the same update request

  • When updating the cluster Sensor

    • The proposed cluster Sensor must exist

    • The user must have permission to access the cluster Sensor

    • A Sensor cannot be clustered with itself

    • The proposed cluster Sensor must not already be bound to another Sensor

    • The proposed cluster Sensor must belong to the same Customer

    • The proposed cluster Sensor must be of the same Sensor Type

  • When updating the Sensor Type

    • The new Sensor Type must be valid and exist

  • When overriding the default update time

    • The proposed update time must be valid

    • The OVERRIDE_UPDATE_TIME flag must either be already set or is set in the request

  • Only these fields can be set to blank

    • additional data

    • sensor information

    • IP/hostname IF the other value is present


Dedicated Sensor Updates

Changing a Sensor’s status, monitoring behaviour, and scheduling of downtime is handled by dedicated endpoints and request. Not via the update endpoint.

Enable a Sensor#

To activate a Sensor simply append /enable to the Sensor’s path:

curl -X PUT "{sensorID}/enable" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the enableSensor permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor must exist

  • If the Sensor is already enabled the service will return an error

Bulk Enable Sensors#

To bulk activate Sensors PUT an EnableSensorBulkRequest to the bulk enable endpoint :

curl -X PUT "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" 
-d '{ 
    "sensorIDs": [ 

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the enableSensor permission for the Sensors’ customer(s), a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensors must exist

Disable a Sensor#

To deactivate a Sensor simply append /disable to the Sensor’s path:

curl -X PUT "{sensorID}/disable" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

For the request to be successful

  • The user must have the disableSensor permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor must exist

  • If the Sensor is already disabled the service will return an error

Bulk Disable Sensors#

To bulk deactivate Sensors PUT a DisableSensorBulkRequest to the bulk disable endpoint:

curl -X PUT "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" 
-d '{ 
    "sensorIDs": [ 

For the request to be successful

  • The user must have the disableSensor permission for the Sensors’ customer(s), a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensors must exist

Enable Monitoring for a Sensor#

To enable monitoring for a Sensor PUT a request to the Sensor’s enable monitoring endpoint. The user can indicate whether to only monitor during daytime.

curl -X PUT "{sensorID}/monitoring/enable?daytime={true|false}" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

For the request to be successful

  • The user must have the enableSensorMonitoring permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor must exist

Disable Monitoring for a Sensor#

To disable monitoring for a Sensor PUT a request to the Sensor’s disable monitoring endpoint:

curl -X PUT "{sensorID}/monitoring/disable" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the disableSensorMonitoring permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor must exist

Bulk Enable Monitoring for Sensors#

To bulk disable monitoring for Sensors PUT a request to the bulk enable monitoring endpoint. Similar to the single Sensor enable monitoring endpoint the user can indicate, for all Sensor in the request not per Sensor, whether to only monitor during daytime.

curl -X PUT "{true|false}" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" 
-d '{ 
    "sensorIDs": [ 

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the enableSensorMonitoring permission for the Sensors’ customer(s), a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor(s) must exist

Bulk Disable Monitoring for Sensors#

To bulk disable monitoring for Sensors PUT a request to the bulk disable monitoring endpoint:

curl -X PUT "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" 
-d '{ 
    "sensorIDs": [ 

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the disableSensorMonitoring permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor(s) must exist

Schedule Downtime for a Sensor#

To schedule downtime for a Sensor POST a SensorScheduleDowntimeRequest to the Sensor’s downtime endpoint:

curl -X POST "{sensorID}/downtime" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" 
-d '{ 
    "fromTime": 1,
    "toTime": 2,
    "keepDowntimeOnUpdate": true,
    "comment": "optional comment"

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the scheduleSensorDowntime permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor must exist

  • The downtime range must be valid i.e. downtime cannot start or end in the past and must end after it starts

Bulk Schedule Downtime for Sensors#

To bulk schedule downtime for Sensors POST a SensorScheduleDowntimeBulkRequest to the bulk schedule downtime endpoint:

    curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key" 
    -d '{ 
        "fromTime": 1,
        "toTime": 2,
        "keepDowntimeOnUpdate": true,
        "comment": "optional comment",
        "sensorIDs": [

For a request to be successful:

  • The user must have the scheduleSensorDowntime permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor(s) must exist

  • The downtime range must be valid i.e. downtime cannot start or end in the past and must end after it starts

Cancel Downtime for a Sensor#

To cancel downtime for a Sensor send a DELETE request to the Sensor’s downtime endpoint:

curl -X DELETE "{sensorID}/downtime" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

For a request to be successful:

  • The user must have the cancelSensorDowntime permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor must exist

Bulk Cancel Downtime for Sensors#

To bulk cancel downtime for Sensors send a list of the SensorIDs to the bulk cancel downtime endpoint:

curl -X DELETE "" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the cancelSensorDowntime permission for the Sensors’ customer(s), a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor(s) must exist

Delete a Sensor#

To delete a Sensor submit a DELETE request to the Sensor path:

curl -X DELETE "{sensorID}" -H "Argus-API-Key: my/api/key"

For the request to be successful:

  • The user must have the deleteSensor permission for the Sensor’s customer, a role that grants it, or belong to a group with said permission

  • The Sensor must exist